Animaze FAQ Report an issue that is not found in the FAQ list
Animaze Desktop: What to do if I have an issue that is not in the FAQ?
If you encounter an issue not covered in the FAQs, please let us know! Here's how you can contact us:
Get the best response by offering valuable info on your issue
- if there's an avatar, background, or prop import issue provide the item's source files.
- if your avatar, background or prop doesn't look as expected, provide a screenshot with the desired outcome.
- if there's a crash. please send us the Animaze.log and dxdiag. Here's a guide that helps with gathering the logs.
- if there's a subscription issue, please provide the receipt of the transaction.
- if there's an account issue, please provide the Animaze account email used.
- in general, describing the steps to replicating the issue greatly helps. A video or screenshot also helps a lot.