Gatsby The Petective

Gatsby The Petective


Gatsby The Petective

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It's our pleasure to introduce Gatsby The Petective, one of Holotech Studios Original Creations.

If things happen to go bad, don’t worry, you can count on Gatsby because he is great at sniffing danger and… okay, donuts, he just loves donuts. Is that a crime? The streets of Animaze are safe for walks now, all due to this great boy. His favorite smell is the one of the fresh apple pie. The biggest case he ever worked on, was the one when all the squirrels in the hood went missing and he found them in the park, at the picnic fest, where he actually joined thereafter. Atta’boy, Gatsby!


Lots of customization options that enables you to define your identity, including:

  • Proportions
  • Color

Special Actions

Might be a felon, or the scent of apple pie, but let me just have a little sniff.. sniff...

    Technical Specs

    Platform availability: iOS.

    Complexity tier: Tier 3

    Package size

    • iOS: 7.2MB

    More Information

    More Information
    Age rating 10
    Tags dog, Fluffy, funny

    Reviews 2

    Customer Reviews
    Most Helpful Customer Reviews
    1. 1 person found the following review helpful
      Edit Test



      Quite funny this one. Has a lot to offer with that goofy face, I had lot of fun streaming with it. Edit Test
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    2. 1 person found the following review helpful



      Sunt de parere ca sunt de acord cu acest avatar. Fortza:
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