Critical FaceRig Update: Temporary Virtual Camera Replacement

Critical FaceRig Update: Temporary Virtual Camera Replacement

Critical Virtual Camera Update:

Today we are releasing a pre-emptive update to FaceRig to ensure that you can continue using FaceRig's broadcast functionality to livestream and video chat. This update includes a new virtual camera driver called the Animaze Virtual Camera. You will need to install this device, which serves as a backup for the FaceRig virtual camera, to continue live streaming and video chatting with FaceRig after January 1st, 2021. Please read the details below in full so you can continue using FaceRig Studio without interruption! 

On Jan 1, 2021, the FaceRig virtual camera driver’s digital signature will expire. When the signature expires, the virtual camera will cease to function on most devices. We are in the process of updating the driver’s digital signature, but it will not be completed before Jan 1. To ensure you can continue using FaceRig without interruption after Jan 1, we’ve released an update today that includes the virtual camera driver developed for Animaze. This driver is virtually identical to the FaceRig virtual camera - the only notable difference between these drivers is the expiration date of their digital signatures.

You can continue using the FaceRig virtual camera driver until Jan 1, 2021. Starting on Jan 1, 2021, we recommend that you switch to the Animaze virtual camera driver to avoid any potential broadcasting issues. 

How to Install and Use the Animaze Virtual Camera Driver:

The Animaze virtual camera driver should be automatically installed when you open the latest version of FaceRig after updating. Alternatively, you can install the driver manually by navigating to <YourSteamInstallDirectory>\Steamapps\common\FaceRig\Bin\prerequisites\AnimazeVirtualCamera and running the install.bat file. 

When you install the Animaze Virtual Camera, it may be set as the default camera device on your PC. If necessary, make sure you change that setting to utilize your preferred device after installing the Animaze Virtual Camera. Remember that the Animaze Virtual Camera will not function until the FaceRig Virtual Camera ceases to work on Jan 1, 2021. 

To use the Animaze Virtual Camera, follow the exact same steps that you would follow using the FaceRig Virtual Camera.

Restoring the FaceRig Virtual Camera:

Once we receive the updated digital signature for the FaceRig virtual camera driver, we will release a subsequent update that restores its functionality. When we release this update, you should resume using the FaceRig virtual camera driver; the Animaze virtual camera driver will cease to function. We hope to release this update and restore functionality of the FaceRig virtual camera driver in January 2021.

There are no other changes to FaceRig Studio included in today’s update, and the Animaze Virtual Camera driver has no functionality beyond enabling broadcasting. This update is part of our commitment to provide critical product support to FaceRig and ensure its continued functionality through Dec 31, 2021.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter, via email (, or on Discord with any questions.

All the Best,

Team Holotech

4 years ago
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